Web Cleaning for Glass Fiber

Maximizing Efficiency and Quality with Web Cleaning Solutions for Glass Fiber manufacturing and processing.

In glass fiber manufacturing and processing, maintaining a contaminant-free production process is crucial for ensuring high-quality, durable materials. Dust and debris can degrade the fiber’s strength, affect operational efficiency, and pose health risks to workers.

Kelva’s advanced web cleaning systems effectively remove particles from critical stages like fiberization, sizing, forming, and curing. This ensures enhanced product quality, improved efficiency, reduced waste, and a safer workplace, all while supporting the production of fiber-reinforced plastics and insulation materials.

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Cleaning your glass fiber web is essential

Web cleaning is a crucial technology employed across various industrial processes such as printing, coating, laminating, and converting to ensure the quality and cleanliness of continuous rolls or webs of materials. This procedure involves the removal of contaminants and unwanted substances that can compromise the final product’s quality.

Given the demanding nature of these applications, maintaining a clean production environment is vital to ensure that the glass fibers meet performance standards. Dust, debris, and fine glass particles can severely compromise product quality, worker safety, and operational efficiency. Kelva’s advanced web cleaning solutions are designed to address these issues, ensuring clean, efficient, and safe production lines.

Why do glass fibres require web cleaning?

Glass fiber production involves the creation of materials that require precision and high-quality standards. Glass fiber fabric, a type of techno fabric made of pressed glass fibers, is offered in rolls. During the unrolling, rolling, and transportation of these glass fiber rolls, particles are released into the air. Additionally, fine glass particles are produced during cutting, which can negatively impact both the fibers and the working environment. These dust particles also cause itchy discomfort for employees and collect on equipment and floors, reducing operational efficiency. Contaminants like dust and debris can lead to imperfections in the fibers, affecting their strength and durability. The accumulation of particles on machinery may cause frequent malfunctions, leading to increased downtime and maintenance costs. This makes web cleaning an essential process to ensure the production of high-quality glass fiber products.

Sources of Dust and Debris in Glass fibre Production

In fiberglass production, several stages can introduce dust and debris that directly impact the quality of the glass fiber web.

During Fiberization, the extrusion of molten glass into fibers may produce fine particles that adhere to the web, creating weak spots that compromise the fiber’s integrity.

The Sizing phase can introduce dust that settles on the fibers, interfering with the coating process and reducing bond strength in composite applications.

In the Forming stage, fiber breakage can lead to the accumulation of particles on the web, resulting in defects that affect subsequent processing.

Finally, during Curing, debris can adhere to the web, causing imperfections that undermine the fiber’s durability and performance. Addressing these contaminants is crucial to ensuring the quality and reliability of the glass fiber web throughout its subsequent processing stages.

Benefits of web cleaning in glass fiber production and processing

Kelva’s web cleaning systems offer a comprehensive solution to the key challenges in glass fiber production. By enhancing product quality, improving operational efficiency, safeguarding worker health, and reducing waste, these systems ensure that manufacturers can maintain high standards while boosting productivity and profitability.

Enhanced Product Quality

In glass fiber production, even the smallest contaminant can lead to significant defects. Kelva’s web cleaning systems are designed to remove these particles effectively, ensuring that the fibers produced are free from imperfections. This results in stronger, more durable glass fiber products that meet the highest quality standards required for demanding applications.

Improved Efficiency

The presence of dust and debris not only affects product quality but also the efficiency of the production process. Contaminants can cause machinery to operate inefficiently, leading to frequent breakdowns and increased maintenance costs. Kelva’s web cleaning solutions help to minimize these issues, ensuring smoother operations, reducing downtime, and ultimately lowering production costs.

Worker Health and Safety

In the glass fiber industry, the health and safety of workers are of paramount importance. The fine particles generated during production and processing can pose serious respiratory risks and cause skin irritation. Kelva’s web cleaning systems effectively remove these harmful particles from the production environment, significantly reducing the health risks for workers and helping companies comply with stringent safety regulations.

Reduced Waste

A cleaner production environment leads to fewer defects in the final product, which in turn reduces waste. Kelva’s web cleaning systems help manufacturers achieve higher yields and more efficient use of raw materials. This not only benefits the environment by reducing waste but also improves the profitability of the production process.

Cost Savings

By improving product quality, reducing waste, and minimizing equipment downtime, web cleaning systems ultimately lead to cost savings for textile and nonwoven manufacturers.

What is the best web cleaning solution for glass fiber?

In glass fiber production and processing, , non-contact systems such as our TL or HS line for example, use airflows to release contaminants into the air and then vacuum it into a capture and filtration system.

KELVA has developed special non-contact web cleaner heads suitable for cleaning glass fiber webs. These heads have a special slot configuration for the vacuum and blowing air to give extra support to the web when passing the cleaner.


TL1 Non-contact Cleaner

Very efficient and compact cleaner for small spaces.


TLX Non-Contact Cleaner

Efficient design for wider webs.


HS85 Non-contact cleaner

For wide webs and specials.

Installation examples


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